It's silly. My certainty is immovable, impenetrable, and unfailing. Is unfailing a word? Well, there it is, anyway. So yeah. Is that slightly off-kilter? Perhaps. But it keeps me going when I get down.
I bring this up because TWP and I are near a breakthrough on something we've been working very hard on for a very long time. I can't be more specific (though I will when I'm able - trust me, I'll shout it from the rooftops, my blog, and my facebook page.)
And TWP has been incredibly subdued about it all. He doesn't have that unflagging optimism that I cling to, right or wrong as I may be. His reasoning is that if you don't get your hopes up, you won't be as disappointed if things don't pan out. I counter by saying that yes, if you get your hopes up and things fall apart, the lows you feel will be lower. You may even be crushed for a while. But don't you want to experience the highs that come with the potential greatness you may achieve? Don't you rob yourself of that joy, however temporary it may be?
So, I don't do moderation. Sure, the potential is there for things to fall apart. But I don't care. I refuse to temper my happiness with "what if's" that may never come to pass.
So! Lets bring this on home with two of my new obsessions: Dr. Who and gifs! Because my joy will not be contained!
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